Our Mission

Save Vernazza is an Italian non-profit organization created by three American women in response to the natural disaster that struck Vernazza, Cinque Terre, Italy on October 25, 2011.
On that day, Vernazza was devastated by an unprecedented storm that ravaged the territory with a tornado and 542 mm (21 inches) of rain, a third of an average year’s rainfall.
The storm buried the town under 4m (13 feet) of mud and debris, killed 3 residents, and caused the complete destruction to homes, infrastructure, businesses, and the surrounding territory.
Vernazza was left in a state of emergency for months. Its citizens were evacuated. Emergency crews, military personnel, volunteers, and Vernazza’s administration and citizens worked heroically to begin reconstruction.
Save Vernazza’s mission is to raise awareness and to rebuild, restore, and preserve Vernazza’s town, territory and culture for future generations.
Save Vernazza’s founders arrived in Vernazza years ago, fell in love with the town, its people, and its territory, and moved here to create families, businesses and friendships. We are a part of this community and passionate about our work to create a sustainable future for Vernazza.